The Haunted Tipi

Animator: Chris Auchter
When Grace goes to visit her grandparents on the Rez, she has to find out what could be causing the strange sounds and eerie lights coming from the tipi in the backyard.

NARRATION: Grace and her little brother Kisik were very happy because they were going to the res to spend the summer with their mushum and kukum. Grace couldn’t wait to have lots of fun with her grandparents. She always learned so much from them. That night, at her grandparents’, some strange noises from outside woke Grace up. Grace ran to the window to look, but it was so freaky. She ran back to bed and hoped it was just a dream. The next morning, at breakfast, Grace told her grandmother about the haunted tepee. Kukum was very curious but also a little mysterious. She told Grace she wanted to hear more about the haunted tepee, but first they had to go pick berries to bring to the elder’s centre.

NARRATION: It was late when they got back from the elders’ center. Their kukum rushed into the house to make a snack. Suddenly, the strange sounds and lights started up again. Grace was scared, but she wanted to find out the mystery of the haunted tepee. As she got closer, the sounds got louder. She turned to her brother for back up, but she was on her own. Nothing was going to stop her. She tippy toed closer and closer. She was going to have to face the truth of the haunted tepee. (Gasp) there was no haunted tepee! It was just mushum playing his rock and roll in the tepee so he didn’t make too much noise in the house. Wow, rock on Mushum!