Visit with Elder Woody Morrison who shares about how it all began – from an Indigenous perspective. And we learn some of the science of the Big Bang.
ISA: Physics tries to understand energy and matter and how they work together. Physicists study the universe, from the largest galaxies to the smallest particles in nature, and Dr. Begay added his own native language and culture to look at the universe and energy. After university, Dr. Begay went to Los Alamos National Laboratory. That’s where scientists figure out how to make nuclear energy by breaking atoms apart, but Fred went looking for ways to make even more energy by joining atoms together. He invented some new ways of using lasers to create really hot plasmas, which are special gases that make huge amounts of energy, like in lightning. You need that to join atoms. It’s called nuclear fusion, and one day it could safely make all the clean energy the world needs. Way to go Dr. Fred Begay!