'i 'u ch kwthu trickster?,'uwu kwunus ni' thuyteen....,enthu p'e' xeels,nuw qwelus,Alchemist, biologist, creators messenger and informer….nan' wulh uystuxw thuw' mukws kwthu coyote. nilh nem' ukwthu tumuxw 'uw' yath suwqtus kwthu siems. ni' lelumutus nan qux musteyxw xwusiieye thu musteyuxw. nilh thu tsuwtun ukwthu musteyuxw. nan wulh siem thu coyote. ni yaaystum suq'a thu mustyuxw tl'im' 'uw' nuts'amaat. (The role of Coyote is played by actor Jay Cardinal Villeneuve.)
Isabella White - Youth Host
ni' 'uy'stuxw kwthu curiosity thu isa, siem 'i' shtewun. stli'kws tsewut kwthu stuliqulh lumpstunq thu syuwen ukwthu musteyuxw. nilh kwunetus the smuneems thu stitum shqwaluwuns thu isa. nan 'uw' wulh 'uy wthu science.
Kai Todd-Darrell - Hack This! Host
nilh tu siem ukwTansi! Nehiyawetan tu kai.nem' suq'a thu xwulmuxw sieye tun ni u kwthu xwulmuxw tumuxw. ni' tatulut kwthu xwulmuxw sqwel 'i' thu snuwuyulh. tun'a kweyul ni' tathut kwthu stilums 'i' xulutstum. yath ni' yaayus tuni u kwthu tumuxw stitum kwthu shqweluqwuns xwunemut thu suleluxw. yaays u kwthu xwulmuxw.nilh kwthu Metis, Cree, German and Norwegian.
siem John herrinton
ni' utl'tu Chickasaw Nation tu john herrinton,yuwanthut namut u kwthu ciculh tu john. ni' xwu NASA astronaut nan 'uw' wulh hiith tun ni' ukw ciculh, 'i' thu ciculh imush. 'i' eulh hay yaayus uwk NASA ni nem' uwk america hakwush ukwthu pysical. sqwaqwul xwunemut thu smuneems yaays ukw ciculh. tus 'ukw' 2014 Dr. Herrington received his PhD in Education.
Science Quester
ni' hiwalum thu Aisha tun ni' u kwthu films xwunemut tu theatre, 'i' kwthu radio aegment.
Science Quester
ni' uystuxw tu basketball thu An'ostin, thuytus unuxw vidoes, hiwalum, 'i' animals.
Christenaux (Crash)
Science Quester
uy' kws hiwalum kwthu piano tu crash, stlum, 'i' hakwushus kwthu sqwuy shiyumtun tun ni' ukw karate.
Science Quester
uystuxw kwthu acting thu clarissa 'i' shtwuniss nan wulh qux thu science.
Science Quester
'uyatuxw kwthu video games kwthu fatima,stl'eliqum 'i' amimals 'i' uwu te' bugs.
Science Quester
'uy'stxwus thu science utl nature 'i' plant cells the Jessica.
Science Quester
tl'im 'uw' stl'i thu scince thu johnny, 'i' statulstuxw syaays u kwthu tumuxw .
Science Quester
uystuxw thu stlium thu leila 'i' hiwalum ukw volleyball 'i' tault uwk science.
Science Quester
'uy'stuxw kwthu scince mojave,siem 'i' reading.
Science Quester
musician thu Tamaireia (guitar 'i' drums), xulut thu stilums, DJ 'i' gamer.
Science Quester
'uystxwus thu sports thu Tremaine, xwteq', gaming, 'i' tault thu snuwuyulh u kwthu xwulmuxw musteyuxw.
Science Quester
'uy' kws acting tuwilfred, nan 'uw' qux performances tu wilfred 'i' stl'i's kws science experiments.
Science Quester
uy' kws graphic design thu willow, animation, 'i' stitulum.